Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

The Egypt

The condition in Egypt is uncontrollable; ungovernable now, let me give some comments about it.
I think it's quite like the condition in Indonesia in 1998, Indonesian protesters succeeded their intention to reform Indonesia. The President at that time was Soeharto and he had led Indonesia as a president for 32 years, the people couldn't stand it any longer; because of the corruption, collusion, and nepotism at that time.
The same condition; The 4th president of Egypt, Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak, has governed Egypt for 30 years until now. The people of Egypt want a reformation.
It has been a long time too, the corruption, collusion, and nepotism have rooted in Egypt. For them, the only way is to change the president. BUT, will that really work?

Okay, let's say they succeeded the reformation in Egypt, would the corruption disappear from Egypt? Indonesian people succeeded the reformation in 1998, and now, Indonesia is full of corruption cases, everywhere, unintentionally "legal". The mind-set of the people has been different, they all unintentonally do the corruption.
Even only to park a car, they give Rp1000 for the officer to have a good place(Rp1000 is about USD 10 cents). They do it like it's normal, like it's innocent. Everything is about money now in Indonesia, the poverty is raising, and so is the ciminality. For example, Gayus Tambunan, one of the arrested corruptor, could go on a vacation to Macau, Singapore, and Bali when he was supposed to be in jail. They found the vacation photos, and everybody knows, he paid, so he can have what he want, even to go out for a vacation from a jail. The Public Secret, Despair and Disgrace. Case unsolved, poor people dying.

The only way to change all of those pathetic things is to change the mind-set. If the people's mind-set is not the same like the corruptors, maybe reformation could work.
Egypt is on a riot, and I hope God show the way, for the people who is suffering, give them a fresh breath God. If they succeed, change their mind-set God, don't let them become the second Indonesia. I pray.

A Pathetic Fact: The Mubarak Family's net worth ranges from USD 40 billion to USD 70 billion, by some estimates. While Bill Gate's is USD 54 billion.

“In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.”-Confucius

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